The benefits of working with us

As a rightsholder, when you become a member, you formally authorise us to include your published works in our licensing schemes. There are major advantages in being member of MARC. By doing so you are outsourcing to us the time-consuming administrative overhead cost required to monetise your rights.
Other benefits include:

FREE of charge. There are no costs involved, no joining fee or ongoing costs.
Financial benefit for the use of your work.
Copyright compliance.
Monitor where and what works are used.
Negotiate tariffs and other conditions with consumers.
Licensing the use of protected works on behalf of its members and other rights holders it represents.
Collect fees from users and distribute them to rights holders.
We provide centralised licensing where it would be impractical for you to do it yourself.
We facilitate the representation of your works by overseas RROs

You do not lose control of your rights by entering into an agreement. The agreement is non-exclusive which means you are still free to negotiate directly with copyright users. This may occur if someone wanted to use your work for commercial purposes (for example) in a way that is not covered by a copyright licence.